How to Make a Cannabis Pain Salve with Levo Oil Infuser


A while back, Levo sent me an oil infuser machine. I wasn’t sure what to do with it initially but quickly learned that it is the perfect tool for making delicious infused olive oils. I have to start by thanking Levo for this great way to make meaningful gifts.

I am in no way sponsored by Levo or under obligation to write a review or how-to video. However, I do love the LEVO II machine and use it on a regular basis. Recently, I made my dad a homemade cannabis pain salve with just a few easy ingredients and my machine.

Watch the video below to learn how to make a homemade cannabis pain salve or read the instructions lower in this blog.


It’s easy!

Decide how much cannabis you want to use and pick any other herbs you’d like to incorporate. I like to use lavender because it has anti-inflammatory effects and adds a nice aroma to the salve.

I don’t provide any dosing because this recipe is so versatile. It’s totally up to you how much cannabis and herbs you add. Plus, it’s not going to get you high, so there is no need to worry about adding too much in that regard. Still, you want to include enough cannabis and herbs to provide pain-relieving effects, so don’t skimp.

Simply grind up your herbs, including both cannabis and lavender or others, and add them to the herb chamber.

Now, fill the machine with as much coconut oil as you’d like to make a salve.

Select activate, choose a time period, and wait.

When it’s ready, pour the salve into a jar. It will be very hot. Allow cooling for a few hours before hardening.

Coconut oil should solidify at 76 degrees Fahrenheit, so refrigerate it if need be.

There you go! The salve is ready. Rub it generously wherever you need relief.

Macey Wolfer